Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Remembrance of Christmas

Continuing my exerts from Remembrance, illustration featured this time is called last Summer a redo of the Brother ent heavy as this original was sold.

Remembrance of Christmas
It was Christmas Eve and my elder brother, Clarence and I decided to climb a tall tree to cut down a few posts to build our little Christmas house. While my tall and on the way to becoming fat brother climbed the tree I stood at the bottom of the tree to point out which of the best limbs to cut. Suddenly I heard a loud “crack.” Then before my horrified eyes, Clarence came crashing down from the tree landing on a pointed tree stump with a loud “thump”. That then punctured his right thigh.
Bravely he held on to his thigh and told me not to cry. Quickly he ripped his shirt off and told me to tie a tourniquet above the wound. How that taught came to him, I would never know. I scampered home screaming for help. What a courageous big brother Clarence was. Lucky for us my parents were home, they rushed him to the Hospital. “Oh! For the love of parents what would kids do?”
I remember Christmas.