Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chapter4: The Gardner

While reviewing once upon an Easter I kept imagining new illustrations.  I therefore I took a pause to paint them.  I also took some time to format once upon an Easter in an eBook format.  You can now download same form the link I have provided at Lulu .com.  This is a new step and one that I will be improving on next blog. All comments and suggestions are welcome .This script is also the joys of a young boy growing up, so although Easter is over childhood memories still continue. Please feel free to make enquires of all art shown on my blog.   Attached also another in my series of underground art. Please also view link of my art on eBay.

Rowan Abbensetts
Folk Incognito Blog Master.

The time was the early sixties there was political unrest in Guyana schools were on vacation and my aunt was out on strike so was my uncle. There was rioting in the capital Georgetown, and political factions marooning the streets. It was getting close to Easter my brother Clarence and I were facing the daunting prospects of going without a kite. In Guyana it is traditional to fly kits on Easter Monday symbolizing the resurrection of Christ from the grave. We were moping around the house feeling sorry for ourselves and being lazy. 

Because Guyana experiences bursts of heavy rain at any time and extreme heat and sunshine the grass grow at an aggressive pace. It therefore happens on one of those hot spells that a Gardner came by and offered to cut the grass on our aunt’s lawn for a small fee.  My aunt Yvonne quickly agreed.  We as boys stood and watched in amazement as he used his scythe to swipe through the tall grass. Because of the extreme heat and humidity he had to take a break which he did. We sat around him in my aunt back yard and chatted with him and watched in amazement as he sharpened his scythe.

Once Upon an Easter.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Folk Incognito: KITE FIGHT

I wish everyone had a Beautiful Easter Sunday.  My thanks go out to all that have read my blog.  Attached to today’s post is another painting I did on Underground musicians. Please feel free to enquire about all art shown on my blog.


Rowan Abbensetts

Folk Incognito Blog Master
Folk Incognito: KITE FIGHT


Yesterday was Easter Sunday by the time most of my followers read Folk incognito it will be Monday a holiday in Britain and most former British colonies.   In the mist of festivities of the day I skip to a snippet of the finality of {Once upon an Easter}. {Kite Fight}.


Then with a running starts we raised Baby Gal, straight up with she pulling loop Kite Man made on she {Baby Gal}. Then it was only two kite in the air we battle a bad man kit name Pit Street Bull. Twice our tail  with razor blades cross over his rope but he still was flying and dipping and crossing and coming for our kite. Pit Street Bull tail cross our rope three times. It looked like he was winning the battle. So we pretend we hurt and start to fall flapping in the wind like a bird whose wing is broken. Pitt Street sees that and he coming for the kill.  The Kite Man Say (Pull! Pull! Pull! I pulling and I balling the twine furiously the rope burning my hands I already have blisters the kite rose and just as pit was coming for the kill our tail cut his rope.
At same moment a big thunder and lightning flashed through the sky Kit Man shouted Lego! Lego!  Lego the rope! Away flew Baby Gal, into the thunder and lightning razor blades sparking Baby Gal on fire.

Once upon an Easter